Yoga Sutras Speaking Engagements
Salvatore is available for Yoga Sutras speaking engagements and has 8 lectures currently available for your yoga studio or teaching center. Please contact us to bring any of these lectures to your location.
How Yoga can Save the World – and Why Nothing Else Can
The title says it all!
Why We Kill The Masters – the Threat of Socrates, Buddha and Jesus
If enlightenment is such a wonderful thing, why do societies murder the Masters who point the Way?
Yoga and Christianity – Conflict or Complement?
This question is the subject of great controversy in the West today. Salvatore explores both traditions in a fascinating compare and contrast exercise with some surprising plot turns. (2 hr.)
Patañjali and His Yoga Sūtras – Relevant to 21st Century Yogis?
With tens of millions of Westerners engaged in Hatha-Yoga, do Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras and Dhyāna-Yoga have anything to offer us in the 21st Century? Yes, they complete our practice – but how?
Āsana in the Yoga-Sūtra: What was Patañjali’s Position?
Three sūtras in the Yoga-Sūtra reference āsana. What were Patañjali and Svatmarama (author of the Hatha-Yoga Pradipaka) talking about?
Does āsana have the same definition in Raja-Yoga as it does in Hatha-Yoga?
Does Hatha-Yoga Support Raja-Yoga?
If “Yes,” how?
The Roadmap of Consciousness – Yoga-Sūtra and the Highway to Transformation
Salvatore uses a road map analogy to make the Yoga-Sutra immediately useful.
Find out where you are, where you are going and – how to get there!
Abhiniveśāḥ: Fear of Death – The Heart of Ignorance
The core obstruction to samādhi – from which all other obstructions arise – is avidya/ignorance.
The central ignorance is the fear of death.
The Abhiniveśāḥ (lecture) explores the question from the perspectives of the Bhagavad-Gita, the YogaSūtra, and the New Testament.
Patañjali’s Paradigm and the Cultural Origins of Yoga
In Patanjali’s Paradigm, Salvatore offers us the cultural context of Patañjali’s Yoga – Raja Yoga – the Kingly Science of the Soul.